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Dibba Fort

History of Al-Azad culture
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History of Al-Azad culture

Dibba Fort is located in the area of Al Ghorfa in Dibba Fujairah, which belongs to the Emirate of Fujairah, where it is one of the most important forts of the ancient past in Dibba and characterized by its strategic location, which is a sufficient distance from the sea and on the other side it is surrounded by a wide series and extended from the farms.

The majestic Citadel of Dibba is characterized by its unique location which is away from the seashore, and ensures it enough distance to protect it from the cannons of the invading fleets, and force the soldiers of the invaders to descend to the land where they can be caught from its high towers and cannons of its soldiers stationed within it. It also protects the road to the inner city and closes it to the invading attackers. The invaders consider Dibba Castle to be one of the ancient castles of the ancient past, which was characterized by many ancient wars between Arabs and Persians.

According to some historical sources, the Persians had concluded a treaty with the Arabs of Al-Azad, the residents of the ancient city of Dibba, and then they broke their covenant and fortified the Castle of Dibba in preparation for the fighting of the Al-Azad, but they did not give them the opportunity to take refuge in the castle, attacked the city of Dibba, then wiped the Persians and took the famous castle and only ruins remained.

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Sambraid, Dibba Al-Fujairah, Fujairah Emirate, United Arab Emirates

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