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Habhab Fort Fujairah

Fujairah heritage
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Fujairah heritage

Habhab Fort is one of the most important castles established and constitutes (Fort al-Hara, the home of the late Rashid bin Abdullah) the most important fort in the region, which was used in guarding and defending it.

Habhab has also been known since ancient times for the presence of the Assili falaj, which the population depended on for irrigating crops when the rains were delayed, as the water was not interrupted throughout the year and farmers took turns to irrigate their land from abundant water, which was enough to cultivate all the agricultural land in the region. Besides the falaj, there is a famous eye of Habhab with its fresh water that feeds the other side of the village in addition to using its flowing water to irrigate the farms nearby.​

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Al Usayli, Habhab, Ras al-Khaimah, United Arab Emirates

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